The chromatic scale is a simple, 12-tone scale that you will use in a variety of situations. You may want to incorporate it into your warm-up routine, as practicing it will not only help you to improve your technique, it will also help you to gain a deeper understanding of the fretboard.
The chromatic scale is made up of half-steps and so includes all of the notes in the octave.The first pattern to learn is in the first position and incorporates open strings. Here’s how to play it:

All of the notes that you can reach in a given position are included in the exercise, which means that the scale pattern doesn’t stop and start on the same note. You may choose any note that you like to begin and end on. For example, if you want to play a C chromatic scale, just begin the pattern on C and end it on either the next higher C, which would give you a one-octave scale, or the one after that, which would give you a two-octave scale.
When you are comfortable with playing it in the first position, learn the movable chromatic scale patterns below. Two fingering options are shown.

Be sure to play these scales with a down, up alternating stroke of the pick and don’t forget to use your metronome!