In this lesson you will continue with playing patterns, but with a focus on the I chord arpeggio in major keys. The I chord is a major chord, so you’ll be able to use the arpeggio when you are soloing over any major chord – but you won’t be able to play the “in-between” notes (notes that are in the scale but not in the arpeggio) unless the chord you’re soloing over is a I chord. If the theory behind this escapes you, just stick to the arpeggio for now and then learn how you can work out your solos through reviewing the lesson on scale harmony.
The following examples are written in the key of C, so you will play them using scale pattern #1 in the VII position. To use these patterns over any major chord, start with your second finger on the note on the sixth string that is the root of the chord.
Be sure to take whatever time you need to review both scale pattern #1 and the I chord arpeggio within that pattern before beginning to practice the following examples. Take your time, learn them one at a time and really practice them! When you feel comfortable with these patterns, branch out and make up your own!