This lesson focuses on hearing the three minor chords in the scale harmony, the ii, iii and vi chords. Begin by playing and listening to the ii chord. If you are in the key of C, the ii chord will be Dm. Listen for the characteristics that the chord shares with the IV chord, which is F in the key of C. The ii chord and the IV chord have two common tones and they function similarly in most songs. Depending on the style of music, you can even substitute one chord for the other. Play a ii – V – I progression and a IV – V – I progression several times, listening for the similarities and differences.

The iii chord (Em in the key of C) has two tones in common with the I chord, but it won’t feel much like that chord. It also has two tones in common with the V chord, and although it feels slightly more like the V chord than it does the I chord, you probably won’t mistake one for the other. The iii chord often moves to the vi chord. Play the progression of ii – vi – ii (or IV) – V – I repeatedly, observing the sound and your response to it.

The vi chord (Am in the key of C) has two tones in common with both the IV chord and the I chord, but it is more closely related in function and feel to the I chord than to any other chord in the scale harmony.

Learning to feel the tendencies of each chord in the scale harmony is really important and useful, but you will also want to learn to sing the roots of each chord. When you are able to sing the root of the chord, you can find it easily on your guitar. In order to hone that skill, spend plenty of time singing the roots of chords in the iii – vi – ii – V – I progression in various keys. For example, in the key of C you would sing E A D G C. The same progression in the key of G would be B E A D G. Be sure you sing the numbers (ii, vi, etc.), not the note names.

In addition to singing the roots of the chords in the most common chord progressions, you may also want to practice singing the roots of chords in your favorite songs that you play. The more you sing, the better you get at hearing!