Gaps Getting You?
Playing guitar is a lot of fun—until you get stuck. If you came to me complaining of stagnation, there are a lot of things I would look for, but I would search first for the gaps in your knowledge and skills. It might be hard for you to know what pieces of the puzzle you’re missing, especially if you’ve previously been satisfied with your proficiency in one area or another, but you can learn how to discover them. Once I’ve identified the missing pieces for a student and we start to fill them in, things always get moving again.
It’s inevitable that pieces will get left out as you’re learning to play. If you’re like most guitarists, you acquired your skills by learning songs, riffs, or solos, but you probably didn’t follow a prescribed method of study the way the majority of other instrumentalists do.
Even if you did follow a method, it’s unlikely that it provided a broad and holistic education. But wherever you are in your playing, you can easily fill in the gaps that will catapult you into limitlessness—and you can do it yourself! (Well, maybe with a little help from me…)
On this page, I’ve defined four levels of proficiency and laid out the skills and knowledge that will help you achieve completion of those skills. All you have to do is assess your abilities within each level, and then use the lessons I provide to fill in the gaps. Whichever materials you choose, don’t overlook the Virtual Studio. The first month is free and if all you do is jump in for a month and then cancel, you will have a LOT of information at your fingertips!