Choose Your Path!
Everyone has a unique path to becoming a limitless guitarist—so how do you choose your path?
To answer this question, there are two categories you will need to explore: what to learn and how to learn. You & Your Guitar gives you the tools to navigate both of these categories.
You’ll discover the shortest path to your guitar goals by cultivating the skills that are relevant to the music you want to play. You can acquire those skills through the books described below and the Virtual Studio. But You & Your Guitar goes even farther. It will show you how you can actually change your brain to facilitate rapid learning, deep listening, and creative expression. For these reasons, it’s important to use it as your foundation, regardless of your current level or goals.
In order to get the most out of the “what to learn” portion of You & Your Guitar, you’ll need to get clear on what you already know. The best way to begin doing this is to answer the questions below. In the process, you will not only discover your general level, you’ll also become aware of any gaps in your information and knowledge within that level. Then, by using targeted materials, you can create a plan to fill in those gaps.
Are You Able to:
- play one or more songs on the guitar?
- hold the guitar properly?
- hold the pick properly?
- play all 1st position chords?
- name the chords you play?
- find notes on the fretboard?
- read a chart?
- use more than one strumming or picking pattern?
If you answered yes to all of the questions above, go to the next set of questions. If you answered no to any, you are a Level I player. > > > > > > > >
LEVEL I players (or not-yet-players!) range from the person who has never picked up a guitar to the one who has played for many years—often as many as 30 or more—but is missing some important basics.
If you’re one of the many people who have played for a while but are deficient in one or more of the skills on the list, it probably won’t take long until you progress to Level II. It’s important that you’re confident in all of these skills, though, before moving on, or you risk being chronically frustrated.
I’ve chosen the materials for you that will ensure that you have everything you need to take your playing to the next level. When purchasing the package, you’ll get the books at a discounted price. But don’t neglect to take advantage of the free resources I offer, as well, including the Level I Course in the Virtual Studio. It all goes together to create an optimal learning experience!
Can You:
- quickly find and play barre chords?
- easily locate notes on the fretboard?
- play one or more major scale patterns?
- construct the major and minor scales?
- play single notes (melodies, leads, or riffs)?
- read standard musical notation?
If you answered yes to all of the questions above, go to the next set of questions. If you answered no to any, you are a Level II player. > > > > > > > >
LEVEL II players have already mastered the basics and are ready to move into playing up the fretboard. Level II is also the time to add to and improve accompaniment patterns. If you’re in this group, you may be interested in playing leads or discovering techniques to spice up your accompaniments. You’re ready to understand more about the guitar and music and to let that understanding show in your playing.
You will advance your skills rapidly by using the materials and tutorials organized into this package. In addition, be sure to access the Level II Course in the Virtual Studio .
Do You:
- know and use 3- and 4-string chords?
- have much (or any) experience studying ear training?
- know how to construct and play altered or extended chords?
- feel confident in your knowledge of music theory?
If you answered yes to all of the questions above, go to the next set of questions. If you answered no to any, you are a Level III player. > > > > > > > >
LEVEL III guitarists are usually people who have played for a long time and are confident in the skills they have acquired. If you fit into this category, you may have become stuck in a stage that although once satisfying, has lost its glimmer over time.
At this level, you probably have a repertoire that you continue to grow. But are you reliant on YouTube or charts to learn songs? If so, would you like to be able to figure out songs on your own? You’ll be able to do that and so much more after investing some time in ear training. You’ll also benefit from furthering your knowledge of how chords are constructed and how to create 3- and 4-string chords anywhere on the fretboard. And understanding how those chords work in keys will unlock mysteries in your lead playing. Using these specific resources, you can evolve in these ways and more!
Do You Feel:
- there are holes in your knowledge and your craft that make you uneasy? (For example, playing by ear or improvising over complex harmonies.)
- occasionally bored, frustrated, or stuck in a rut?
- ready to take both your personal expression and your technical abilities to a new level?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are a Level IV player. > > > > > > > >
LEVEL IV guitarists usually feel comfortable playing chords, scales, bass runs, leads or licks anywhere on the fretboard. If you’re a Level IV player, you’re also a confident rhythm player. You may even be a professional musician, but you want more out of your guitar.
You can get more by deepening your knowledge of music. Advanced study of harmony, ear training, and composition will be especially beneficial to you.
You’ll find information in these areas in the Virtual Studio and in these materials. Because of your unique strengths and weaknesses, though, contacting me for a personal plan will enable you to experience the most efficient and satisfying progress.
I’ve put together the following packages to help you learn all of the skills in your level efficiently and correctly. (Click on each package for a detailed description of the contents.) Buying the materials and lessons in a package will save you money! They even include an option for a block of four lessons at a deep discount, if you’d like to work with me. If you prefer to buy the books individually, you can find them here.
If you’re starting in Level I or II and you want to get all of the materials that you’ll use as you move through all of the the levels, you can save even more money by buying the bundle. Please email me if you have questions or would like me to help you with your plan!
Would you like virtual support on your path? You can now find courses for each level in the Virtual Studio—and I’m available to help!
Level I Package
Level II Package
$100. Shipping is included and the price reflects a $15.80 savings over purchasing the books individually.
Level III Package
$100. Shipping is included and the price reflects a $16.80 savings over purchasing the books individually.