


Ready to have some fun with your guitar?

If guitar wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when you thought of having fun, it may be because the work you’ve been doing on your guitar has been challenging. Challenges are important—without them, there can be no growth!

Although most guitar related challenges are stimulating and ultimately satisfying, some can be frustrating. Rest assured, though, that unbridled, joy-filled guitar playing is always within reach.

How Do You Get There?

If it’s been a while since you’ve experienced that joy, you can rediscover it by considering the qualities that exist within other activities you consider fun. You’ll probably realize that when you’re having fun, you’re completely present and without judgments or expectations. You simply enjoy the experience as it unfolds. You’re not focused on rigid rules but are instead willing to experiment and take chances. Whether you’re on a bicycle, in a boat, on a ski slope, playing a video game, or participating in a line dance, you approach it the same way: first learn some stuff, then let the rules fade into the background and play!

You can do the same thing with your guitar. Think you’re not good enough yet? It’s never too early! You have more knowledge and skills on guitar today than you’ve ever had and fewer than you will in the future. But one thing’s for sure: you have exactly what you need to have fun right now. All you have to do is remember to play!
