Single Song Support
Do you ever wish you could get high-quality, professional feedback for a song? Maybe guitar lessons are more than you need, or the timing’s not right for them—but you’d still like help with that song!
I’ve developed a service to give you that help at a small cost! All you have to do is record yourself playing the song you want me to check or correct and email the audio file to me. I’ll review your performance and send you back an email that describes any problems I’ve found and suggestions about how to correct them. If you’re playing everything correctly, I’ll let you know that, too (yay!), but I’ll still offer helpful suggestions.

Let It Be Easy!
You can benefit from this service at any stage of your playing and you don’t need to worry if everything on the recording isn’t perfect. I’ll understand if you have to stop and start a time or two! I just need a file that’s under 5 minutes and allows me to hear the way you play the song. Unless you have questions about how you’re fitting in the lyrics, I won’t need to hear multiple verses. When you send the file to me, include a link to the song, if you have one, so that I can hear what you’re going for. If you send a YouTube link, make sure it’s for the version you’re working on. You’re welcome to send original songs, as well.
At only $25/song, this is great way to clean up one or more of your songs and move your playing forward. Choose the option “Single Song Support” in the drop-down menu below. I will email you within 24 hours of the time you’ve completed your purchase and provide details on sending your recording. Expect it to take up to three days from the time you send in the song until you receive my assessment and any corrections or suggestions.
You’re going to love this!