Virtual Studio

Welcome! Please enjoy using the Virtual Studio in the following two ways:


Choose a course to focus on, completing each level in the logical order they’re presented. Keep in mind that there are even more lessons for each level in the Virtual Studio than I’ve given you in the courses, so there will still be more to soak up when you’ve completed the courses!


Use the categories and levels to search for lessons that interest you. If you choose this way, try to stay mostly within your level, with the exception of reviewing lessons that may be in the previous level. The information on this page will help you determine your level.

The levels are designated by color:  The letters in the color blocks stand for audio, video, or text. (Text lessons are not transcripts of audio or video lessons, so don’t discount them as such.) If you’re a level IV player, seek out any lessons in the Studio that address your weakest areas. Be sure to investigate the basics, too!


Find an introduction to the courses and quick links to the modules within the Levels here—or  jump to the course of your choice below.

Level I


Level II


Level III



Ear Training

3-String Magic