Articles for Limitless Guitarists
These articles are offered to help you think about music and the guitar in new ways and lift the limits on your playing. Some of the articles offer uncommon ideas to make your practice more inspired and effective. Others will elevate your musical comprehension, jumpstart your creativity, or generally crack open your mind. Enjoy!
(For more articles and lessons about the nuts and bolts of guitar playing, plus lots of audio and video lessons, check out the Virtual Studio!)
Read/Don’t Read
I’ve spent half of my career convincing people to read music and the other half trying to get them to stop reading…

If It Seems Impossible, It Probably Is
Does it sound impossible to play? There’s probably a way that’s easier than you think!
Music: It’s Not Math
We’ve all heard music compared to math, but are they really alike? They are—but then, they’re not.
Gaps Getting You?
Playing guitar is a lot of fun—until you get stuck. Identify the missing pieces and fill them in to get things moving.
Are you Listening to Yourself?
Listening to the sounds in our heads, coaxing them from an instrument, and then listening as they emerge…
Patience, Patience
Surrendering to the time required for the task can be a powerful remedy for most guitar problems.
Guitar Solos and Solo Guitar
When you get hungry for some way to expand your musicianship, try these.
It’s Not Magic, But It Feels Like It Is
What is that magic that enables me to play by ear or to create songs, leads, or arrangements?
Are Your Songs Locked Up?
Wouldn’t it be fun to be able to play countless songs and riffs as a result of knowing one song?
Left-Handed Guitar Playing
Are you a left-handed guitar player – or should you be? Read this to learn more.
5 Reasons to Ditch the Dictionary
I mean, how useful is it really?
Playing Songs That Aren’t Guitar-Centric
Want to play songs that aren’t performed or recorded by a single voice and guitar?
The Basics
If you’re a beginning guitar player, start with this information. If you’re a seasoned player, check out what you may have missed or forgotten!
About the Capo
Even if you’ve played guitar for a long time, you may get confused about the capo and keys.
Is Your Practice Getting Stale?
Help for when your favorite songs and exercises cease to be satisfying or beneficial.
Can You Teach Yourself Guitar?
(*And Be Good At It?)
Yes and *yes, if you have or acquire these assets.
Deadlines: Helpful or Hurtful?
There’s no doubt that deadlines can accelerate progress in guitar playing. It’s important to use them wisely, though.
Ear Training for Guitar Players
Ear training is essential for all musicians. Here’s how to get started.
Are You Working Too Hard?
Do you play with excess tension or experience chronic, low-level discomfort? It’s time to change that!
Guitar playing shouldn’t be painful, but it often is. This article presents ways to avoid or heal the pain.
How You Look At It
You can dramatically improve your learning and performing by the way you use your eyes. Read about how to do it!
Becoming Unstuck
Everybody gets stuck sometimes in their playing. In this article, I give you ways to get out of those inevitable ruts.
Minds Are Made For Changing
Have you ever considered that something as simple as changing your mind could change everything about your guitar playing?
Something From Something
You know things on the guitar. That’s a great feeling, but it gets even better when you start getting creative with those things!
Lifting the Veil
To the uninitiated, making music can seem mysterious. But even as a seasoned guitarist, you may find that certain mysteries persist.
If you’ve experienced boredom with playing guitar at some time, you’re not alone. Here’s help.
The Missing Link
You know how sometimes you can hear a song or a lick really well in your head, but…
25 Things to Look for in a Guitar Teacher
Here’s a list of what I consider the most important things to look for in a guitar teacher.
Stuck in Intermediate Guitar?
Get Out of the Rut!
If you’ve been stuck in intermediate guitar for a while, don’t despair. There’s hope!
How and Why to Play Melody on Guitar
Melody defines a song—and it’s a lot of fun to play! Here’s how.
Searching for a Clear Sound?
Are you ever dissatisfied with the sound from one or more strings in your chords? You can fix that!
Meta What?
Metacognition. It’s defined as the awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes…
Are You an Intermittent Guitar Player?
If you have an on-again, off-again relationship with your guitar, you’re not alone.
Flow is a blissful state of complete immersion where creativity abounds, time falls away, and judgment is non-existent.
Are You Giving Up Too Soon?
You may unknowingly be giving up too soon on some of the most important aspects of practice.
Learning Songs From YouTube? Here’s Help!
To get the most out of a tutorial, you’ll want to take a few things into consideration.
Why Scale Practice Isn’t Helping Your Guitar Songs
Scales are important—but are they really helping you be a better player?
Nervous in Guitar Lessons?
Playing guitar can be a therapeutic and even calming experience—but it’s not always that way…
The Power of Songs
Try carving out a place in your day to belt out your thoughts, feelings, and goals.
Retaining What You’ve Learned
Your ability to recall has a lot more to do with the way you practice than you might guess.
Chords + Melody
When you play the chords and melody at the same time, you become a one-person band!
Your Guitar: Healer and Friend
It’s more important than ever that we take care of ourselves in every way we can. Your guitar can help.
To Read or Not to Read – This is the age old question for guitar players. This article will help you answer it.
Small Hands – Don’t be discouraged if you have small hands. (I do and it hasn’t held me back a bit!) Here’s what you need to know.
Phonics, Reading Readiness and Music – Questioning the way music is traditionally taught.
For Teachers – Support and ideas for guitar teachers. Join the discussion!
Listen to Me! – Links to podcasts