It’s Not Magic (But It Feels Like It Is!)
I’m a self-taught guitarist. But learning on my own didn’t mean everything I needed to know about music magically came to me as I sat at home alone with my $5.00 guitar. With a beginning song book, a record player, a few piano lessons, and some experience singing harmony, I was able to get started. It didn’t take long before I was hooked and looking for every chance I could find to practice.
Later, when I was on my own and needing to support myself, I discovered I could do that by performing and teaching. But I didn’t stop there. I audited college classes in ear training and theory. I attended a 3-day seminar by jazz guitarist, session musician, and educator Howard Roberts that facilitated a big leap in both my playing and teaching. I put my hands on every book I could find (there weren’t many back then, and there was certainly no YouTube!), and continued studying theory, ear training, and musical analysis. And I practiced. A lot.

It wasn’t magic that enabled me to play a song by ear after one hearing, or to create songs, leads, or complete arrangements in my head. Those things came from digging for answers and from logging in a lot of time and hard work. But it feels like magic every time I pick up my guitar.
You may not want as deep a musical education as I did, and if that’s the case, you can certainly learn to play guitar—whatever that means to you—in far less time than I devoted to it. But whether you’re working with a teacher or going it alone, when it’s just you and your guitar in the practice room, you’re called to be your own best teacher.
I wrote this book to show you how to do that. Read it repeatedly and let every word of it sink in. And don’t neglect the DAILY—you won’t know the power of it until you’ve used it. (Just trust me on that!)
Take advantage of instructional books that apply to what you’re working on and make good use of the Virtual Studio, revisiting the lessons often. Stay in touch with the site—I’m always adding new articles, blog posts, and services. And let me help you when you’re stuck, confused, or just need a boost. You can do this!
Six books at one small price! $110. (You can read about each book on the shop page.)
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