L     E     V     E    L         II

Module II

Improve your ear, understand a fundamental musical building block, add a new scale pattern,
understand fingering and learn new fingerpicking patterns.


This lesson will get you started on your path to playing by ear as you learn how to match pitches. This is an important skill, so don’t be tempted to skip it! If you feel like you’re weak in this area, keep doing it until you become more confident. 

 ET2 Listening/Pitch Sense


  This video presents an overview and a method for training your ear. Even when you feel successful with these basics, keep doing them.
The more you do this work, the better musician you’ll be! 

ET9 Ear Training


The fingering you use is an essential element in playing with clarity, efficiency, comfort, and speed.
This lesson will show you how to choose the best fingering in any situation.
T13 Fingering


Keep these fingerpicking patterns in your toolbox to use with songs in 4/4 time. Learn one well before going to the next to avoid confusing them.
T7Fingerpicking Patterns


There will be lots of times when you need to change the key of a song. Use both of the lessons below to learn how to do that easily. 

Th7 How to Transpose ; Th23Transposing


When you know Scale Pattern # 1 inside out and have used it in numerous settings, you’re ready to learn Scale Pattern #2. It’s important to only learn one scale pattern at a time, otherwise they are likely to get jumbled in your head and your playing. Study the following lessons: LP14Scale Pattern #2 ; LP27Scale Pattern #2


Learn the logic behind the naming of intervals, so that you can easily recognize, name, and use them.
The video Th19Intervals clearly explains, as does the audio lesson ET15 Intervals Defined.


Learn to play the thirds in Scale Pattern #2, and then begin practicing random manipulation.
Continue to do this with each scale pattern that you learn, as you did in Lessons 7 and 8 in Module I.

Well done! Onward to Module III!